
Donald McLean Oval, Spotswood

Spotswood Sporting Complex renovated.

After the successful completion of Bryan Martyn Oval in 2019, Hobsons Bay City Council approved Turfcare for the reconstruction of Donald McLean Reserve in Spotswood. 

Works for the AFL/Cricket oval began October 2019, the aim of the reconstruction was to reshape and re-orientate the existing ground so it could better accommodate AFL and cricket matches.

Before earthworks could begin, the existing irrigation system was decommissioned and removed from site, along with the turf wicket bench and underlying foundation. During excavation works major rock base was encountered, so the big guns, in the form of a 33t excavator with jackhammer, was brought in to break up the rocks to more manageable sizes, enabling the removal of 800tonne from site.

Once the reshaping and consolidation of the base was complete, the subsurface drainage and new automatic irrigation system with rain sensors were ready to install. Connecting to the existing stormwater system, a 215,000-litre water tank and pump shed finished the base and associated works, the next task was to bring in the rootzone layer. Approximately 6000m3 sand was brought in, to ensure the project specifications were met the product underwent rigorous testing, after all of the sand was carted in it was time to level and get ready for the new turf wicket bench and AFL goal installation. 

During February 2020 it took just five days to lay almost 16,000m of Santa Ana turf, including washed turf on the wicket, being one of the hottest summer months the turf was checked daily to ensure it was receiving bountiful water from the new irrigation system. 

With the finishing touches of new coaches boxes and boundary fence with access gates installed, the construction was complete and ready to head into a 12-week maintenance period.


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