
Yurrock Soccer Field, Torquay

Building the Yurrock Soccer Pitch

Commencing in December 2018, the Turfcare team constructed the Yurrock Soccer Field, the team’s third sports ground construction at Banyul Warri Fields in Torquay.

Converting the existing paddock into an 8-hectare soccer pitch started with the installation of sub-surface drainage, allowing connection to the existing irrigation system. The sand onsite was relatively clean so was screened to meet requirements and re-used to level the site in readiness for the line planting using Santa Ana spriggs.

Constructing the sports field during some exceptionally windy months, with the location of the field on top of a hill exposed to onshore winds, meant daily dust suppression was critical.  Even the on site irrigation system was unable to alleviate the effects of constant strong winds. The line planting works were scheduled but with the unprecedented strong winds, the risk of drying out the spriggs resulting in no growth was too high. 

After discussions with Council, it was decided to postpone the sprigging and to oversow the ground during April using a Premium Rye Grass, providing grass cover for winter.

During early spring, the Rye grass was sprayed out and the surface was line planted using Santa Ana sprigs in October 2019, followed by a comprehensive maintenance program including multiple fertiliser applications, herbicide, topdressing, and regular mowing.

Due to the exceptional circumstances the project completion was delayed by 6 months, but the recommendation to postpone the line planting ensured good grass coverage and growth, providing the client with the best possible result.


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